National Government Services (NGS) will assume responsibility for J6 A/B MAC workload over three transition dates beginning in July 2013. Please download a PDF of the PowerPoint update from NGS on this transition. This document was provided to the Minnesota Administrative Uniformity Committee (AUC) to share with Minnesota providers. HLAMN is a member of the AUC.
- Bill of Rights Document
- PRC Initiatives
- 2016 Day with the Payers
- 2017 Day with the Payers
- 2018 Day with the Payers
- 2019 Day with the Payers
- 2020 Day with the Payers
- 2021 Day with the Payers
The Administrative Uniformity Committee (AUC) is a voluntary, broad-based group representing Minnesota health care public and private payers, hospitals, health care providers and state agencies, working to standardize, streamline, and simplify health care administrative processes. HLAMN currently has two individuals on the AUC. For more information contact a PRC Committee member.
The AUC is playing a key role in the development and implementation of Minnesota's Uniform Companion Guides pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 62J.536. The Guides provide uniform, detailed specifications for electronically exchanging eligibility requests and responses, claims, acknowledgments, and remittance advices in Minnesota. The AUC is also playing an active role in addressing other administrative simplification issues and in making recommendations to national standards settings groups and as part of federal health care reform.